100x Fundraiser
- !!!You can share this with friends and family to help!!!
- A single person can only do up to 75 surveys.
- Recommended to do 10 a day. Speeding through the survey will not count.
- Survey can only be completed by those 18 AND OLDER ONLY.
- This will end as soon as the survey quota is meet so act fast.
- Each Qualified Survey is worth $1
Steps to get started:
1. Text the word “PLAY” to
2. Click link sent to you and complete the Sign up form
For “Which Organization are you supporting?” Select
For “The player I am supporting (Last, First)” will be players name.
IMPORTANT: For First Name and Last Name fields this MUST BE THE NAME OF THE PERSON FILLING OUT THE SURVEY. See Example Below

Once you complete the form you will be taken to the next page:
Enter a business or search from the “Shop All Categories”
Rinse and Repeat
Complete the Survey. Every qualified survey will raise $1.

A person can only do up to 75 surveys.
This will end as soon as the survey quote is met so act fast.